Babies and Toddlers

Becoming a parent brings huge responsibility, love, laughter and tears. It also brings decisions, to breast or bottle feed, cloth or disposable nappies, when to wean…..
For working parents there are many more decisions, when to return to work, full or part time and which form of childcare to choose. Which is why we aim to work closely with you to achieve the right balance for your family. We try to accommodate everybodies' needs with a plan that works for us all, with a view that if it isn't working for you or your baby, we can adapt it to achieve the best outcome.


From head control to rolling over, from grasping to sitting, from crawling to talking, developmental milestones are unmistakable signs that your baby is growing fast! We'll help you track your child's physical development, social development, and brain development; suggest activities to encourage your baby's accomplishments.

Your baby's emerging emotions are amazing to behold. You'll delight in early smiles, laughs, coos, and giggles – and be baffled by those first screams of frustration. And as you interact, your baby will learn from you and us those important social skills. 

Whilst we are a busy setting with many age ranges, we have soft areas where the babies can explore at their own pace. When they are ready to move on to other areas they can do so freely. Seeing older, more capable children motivates younger children to move forwards. The older children know that they need to be tolarant and encouraging and that the babies needs come first. 

Contact me:


01442 842456





Sarah's Childminding Services Ltd
2 Chapel Close

Little Gaddesden




Our big buggy!

Sarah's Childminding Buggy!